New year, new life, better life. Every new year brings the joy of a new beginning, the opportunity to start over. Thus, new year’s resolutions by which people set out to improve some aspect of their lives. However, more than half of the resolutions are not fulfilled, and it is necessary to understand why. At Estafeta USA we wish you a Happy New Year and successful resolutions in 2022.

If you have failed at your resolutions before, you are not alone.


We all know the stories and jokes about New Year’s resolutions. In fact, according to the time management firm Franklin Covey, 33% of resolutions do not go beyond January. Of the people who made resolutions in 2020, 35% kept all them, while 49% kept some. And only 16% failed at keeping any of their resolutions.

Why more than half of the New Year’s resolutions are not fulfilled.

Many resolutions (more than half) fail because they are not correct. Experts say that people set resolutions that are destined to fail, for one of three reasons:

  • It’s based on what other people or society say needs to be changed.
  • It’s too general, too unspecific.
  • There is no realistic plan to reach the resolution people want to achieve.

If more than half of the New Year’s resolutions are not fulfilled… then let’s look at the ones that do.

Here are some simple tips for a Happy New Year and successful resolutions in 2022.

  1. Establish simple, realistic objectives, appropriate for each person, with measurable goals and specific deadlines.
  2. Have a plan, (a good plan) that leaves room for setbacks and mistakes, and how to handle them.
  3. Divide the main goal into small steps and pat yourself on the back for achieving small goals along the way.
  4. Assume that obstacles will come up, and that it’s a matter of knowing how to handle them.
  5. Do not be so hard on yourself, focus on what you’ve achieved and not on what was wrong.
  6. Find companions for the journey, so it becomes more fun and less difficult. Avoid bad influences from put down messages. Share the challenge with people who have similar goals and support each other.
  7. Start over whenever necessary. The resolution doesn’t have to be for New Year, it can always start again, in another week or month.

Fulfilling New Year’s resolutions requires perseverance, planning, discipline, and patience. But it is possible, and efforts can yield the desired results, and a lot of personal satisfaction. We hope these tips are helpful for a Happy New Year and successful resolutions in 2022!

At Estafeta USA we want to thank all of our clients, followers and coworkers, for having accompanied us in 2021. In the new year we will continue working to provide the best services, because keeping families connected moves us. From the Estafeta USA family to you and your loved ones, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year 2022!