
Meet the New ConsumerPost Pandemic

Meet the New Consumer
Post Pandemic

What a year it has been, 18 months, to be more exact! And during this period, the New Consumer Post Pandemic has born. One who’s been through a roller coaster of emotions, and a business now closed-now open, now closed again ordeal.Now it seems like life is finally...

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The Challenges of Last Mile Delivery Post Pandemic

The Challenges of Last Mile Delivery Post Pandemic

Last mile delivery post pandemic is a complex challenge in the supply chain. The pandemic increased people’s desires to safely shop from home. Thus, ecommerce has increased by as much as 70% compared to pre-Covid times, to levels previously expected for 2024. Needless...

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5 business lessons post-Covid

5 business lessons post-Covid

There are many business lessons Post-Covid we have all learned in the past year. Overall, this has been a shocking, humbling experience for everyone, both at the personal and work level. And for business, it's been an enormous adapt-or-leave, hands-on leadership and...

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7 Digital Trends in Logistics Post Covid

7 Digital Trends in Logistics Post Covid

Digital trends in logistics post covid keep reshaping our industry. The pandemic has disrupted the Supply Chain, changing customer expectations and causing a global economic recession. These disruptions will keep accelerating digital transformation in the Supply Chain...

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The future of logistics in numbers

The future of logistics in numbers

The future of logistics is reshaping itself post pandemic. The age of Covid has brought unforeseen challenges to business, yes, but also amazing opportunities. And nowhere is this statement more appropriate than in our logistics industry. Some opportunities are...

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Customer Expectations PostCovid are here to stay

Customer Expectations PostCovid are here to stay

Customer Expectations post Covid are just one of many ways the pandemic changed our lives for years to come. But some of the changes are good. And just as our lives won’t ever be the same, customers’ expectations will not be the same either. As the pandemic disrupted...

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9 Small Business Recovery Tips (Part II)

9 Small Business Recovery Tips (Part II)

Small Business recovery post-Covid will take time and won’t be easy, but it can be done. As we explained in Part I of this post, small business will need to plan and prioritize. Regardless, success will require transparent communications, an agility culture, wise...

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9 Small Business Recovery Tips

9 Small Business Recovery Tips

Small Business recovery post-Covid will take time and may vary from industry to industry. Regardless, success will require transparent communications, an agility culture, wise financial management, scenario-based planning, and strong customer retention focus. This is...

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Texas Estafeta USA offices, after the storm

Texas Estafeta USA offices, after the storm

Estafeta USA offices in Texas were closed for a week, due to the historic winter storm that hit the state. The emergency due to record breaking snow and low temperatures left many areas without power and drinking water. We hope by now that everyone and their families...

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